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McCleese reports: "There are fresh charges of police brutality against a war veteran arrested near an Occupy Oakland demonstration. The veteran, 32-year-old Kayvan Sabeghi, underwent surgery on Friday for a ruptured spleen. Before he went into surgery, Sabeghi told his sister that he was walking to his home near Frank Ogawa Plaza when he was stopped by police, hit in the abdomen four times and then arrested and taken to jail where he could not receive medical treatment."

A police officer points his weapon at protesters on Broadway in Oakland, during the Occupy Oakland protests. (photo: James Fassinger/Guardian UK)
A police officer points his weapon at protesters on Broadway in Oakland, during the Occupy Oakland protests. (photo: James Fassinger/Guardian UK)

Second Veteran Injured in 'Occupy Oakland' Violence

By Tihanna McCleese, KGO/ABC-7

05 November 11


Occupy Wall Street: Take the Bull by the Horns


here are fresh charges of police brutality against a war veteran arrested near an Occupy Oakland demonstration.

The veteran, 32-year-old Kayvan Sabeghi, underwent surgery on Friday for a ruptured spleen. Before he went into surgery, Sabeghi told his sister that he was walking to his home near Frank Ogawa Plaza when he was stopped by police, hit in the abdomen four times and then arrested and taken to jail where he could not receive medical treatment.

"I am absolutely furious," Sabeghi said. "I'm absolutely furious at the way they treated my little brother. I'm so mad. They hurt him and then they refused to help him."

Sabeghi underwent surgery at Highland for about two hours. Doctors tried to repair his spleen, which was apparently ruptured after Sabeghi was beaten and arrested.

"Just because you have the power to do so does't mean you have the right to do so," Sabeghi said. "You can't treat people that way. If someone is injured ... you have to take care of them."

His sister said Sabeghi spent the night in a jail cell and was refused medical treatment for nearly 24 hours.

"At one point he asked for assistance and they told him to stop taking heroin," Sabeghi said. "Another time they told him he was an alcholic and a diabetic, neither of which are true."

It's the second time in two weeks that an Iraq war veteran has been injured in violence between protesters and police.

Sabeghi was suffering from internal bleeding and vomiting. Sabeghi's sister charges Alameda County deputies with not helping him and said they have not heard back from authorities.

In a statement to ABC7, the Alameda County Sheriff's Department said they have heard claims that Sabeghi didn't receive medical attention and are launching an investigation, which will include reviewing video from Wednesday's incident.

The Oakland Police Department said they are also launching an investigation.

Sabeghi is out of surgery and is recovering in the intensive care unit.

The following statement was released by the Oakland Police Department:

The Oakland Police Department is conducting an investigation regarding Kayvan Sabeghi and the circumstances of his arrest on November 3, 2011. This case, as are all reported or alleged instances of force, is under investigation. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Major Crimes Section at (510) 238-3821. your social media marketing partner
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